Selections, U19: no second Euro for Diallo

Publié le 25 May 2011 à 11h54 Stade Rennais Online

Champion of Europe with U19 French selection squad last summer, Abdoulaye Diallo had the occasion this year to take part a second time to this competition. Upgraded last year, the Rennes’ goalkeeper was involved on the last few months in preliminary heat with his age group squad, under the coaching of Philippe Bergeroo.

Rarely used by the former coach of Stade Rennais, Diallo will not take part to the next U19 Euro. After a victory against Byelorussia (2-0), the young French squad lost against Greece (1-2) and are now disqualified of the competition. A disillusion in which Diallo was finally not really involved, since he was once again let on the substitutes’ bench by Bergeroo.

Wednesday, the French U19 squad will play a last match with no stakes against Slovakia. This match will be the last one for the 1992 generation, which can only be involved in U21 squad from now on.
However, Diallo can be called with 1991 generation, which takes part to the U20 World’s Cup on next august. It remains to be seen if the Rennes’ goalkeeper will be called by Francis Smerecki, who didn’t hesitate to outclass him during last Euro.