31 March 2012 | à 15h21

The weapons to counter a furious Lyon

Ligue 1, Stade Rennais - Lyon, Sunday, 21:00 CET. Now clearly out of the race for third place, Stade Rennes wants to keep some hopes for the end of the season and remain in contention for a European ticket through the league. Before facing OL, Frédéric Antonetti has called a squad of eighteen players, including the young Kamal Issah.

The weapons to counter a furious Lyon

Disappointing a week ago in Valenciennes (defeated 1-0), Stade Rennais needs to rebuild confidence in order to avoid yet another dull end of the season. But Sunday night’s game certainly won’t be a formality. Indeed, it is an Olympique Lyonnais at the top of its form who will arrive at the Stade de la Route de Lorient in a few hours.
In order to counter the Lyon plans, Frédéric Antonetti will be able to count on an eighteen-player squad. Rested last week-end, Yacine Brahimi is back in the group and fit to play his part in the game. Same thing for Yann M’Vila, who had been rested at the beginning of the week. The French international, who has given much since the beginning of the season, needed to recharge the batteries and heal a slight calf pain. Meanwhile, the young Kamal Issah has been called by the Corsican manager, in order to propose more possibilities at midfield. Yet to play a game with the first team, the young Ghanaian had not been included in the professional squad since May 2011.

On the other hand, Tongo Doumbia is suspended for the game against Lyon because of three yellow cards in less than ten games. Alexander Tettey should therefore start at midfield for Rennes since Vincent Pajot is still suffering with a thigh injury. Doubtful this week because of hamstring pains, Moroccan international Youssouf Hadji is also absent. Finally, Dimitri Foulquier hasn’t been called either by the Stade Rennais manager. Indeed, the young full-back will feature with the Rennes U19 in a very interesting Gambardella Cup quarter-final, this Sunday afternoon at 3:00 pm against Stade Brestois.

Stade Rennais FC

Goalkeepers : Costil, Diallo
Defenders : Apam, Boye, Danzé, Kana-Biyik, Mavinga, Théophile-Catherine
Midfielders : Brahimi, Féret, M’Vila, Tettey, Issah
Forwards : Boukari, Erding, Kembo, Montaño, Pitroipa

  • Injured : Hadji (hamstring), Pajot (thigh), Mangane (ankle), Sané (fitness)
  • Suspended : Doumbia
  • Manager’s decision : N’Diaye, Foulquier, Jebbour, Dalmat, Doucouré, Rouger, Diarra

Photo : srfc.frenchwill.fr

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