2 April 2012 | à 20h14

Rennes is unforgivable

Ligue 1, Stade Rennais 1 - 1 Lyon. After a good start to the game and an early goal from Erding, Rennes was caught back in the second half, having failed to capitalise on their many dangerous opportunities to make the break. History repeats itself.

Rennes is unforgivable

Rennes misses the break

Rennes started the game in the best of ways, and immediately managed to put their opponents under pressure. The Bretons were led by a very lively Erding, who placed a first header – over the bar – following a cross from Pitroipa at the 2nd minute. The result would be different a few minutes later: receiving a good ball from Féret in the area, Erding eliminated Dabo before hitting a left footed shot past Lloris (1-0, 5’). On the following action, Pitroipa was close to manage the break. Profiting of a mistake by Lovren, the Burkinabe gained the ball in Lyon’s final twenty metres, accelerated and hit the post after having ignored Erding, alone in front of the goal (6’).

Dominating, the Rennais started relaxing the pressure after their goal, leaving a few chances to Lyon. Antonetti’s men continued imposing a high tempo in the game however, as opposed to their recent games: at the 16th minute, Kembo crossed from the left for Erding, just a bit too short to hit on the ball in front of the goal. The game tempo would soon start slowing down though, notably because of the fouls. The Rennais would not be dangerous anymore until the end of the first half. Tettey ran through the Lyon midfield and delivered a good through ball to Kembo for a one-on-one with Llois. The Breton forward had seen Lloris rushing towards him but his shot rolled to the right of the goal (43’). A spurned opportunity which the Rennais, logically leading at half-time, would soon regret.

Tettey, the incredible miss

This was nothing, however, in comparison with the chance missed by Tettey immediately after the break. Following a good delivery from Féret and a shot by Erding, the Norwegian saw the ball – pushed away by Lloris – come back straight to his feet. Alone in front of an empty goal, the Rennes midfielder missed the target (46’). An incredible miss! The Rennais would kick themselves soon. Indeed, the dynamic of the game started to change, and Lyon was soon taking the upper-hand on the game, with Rennes barely able to create chances anymore. As he ran free towards the goal, Briand collapsed in the Rennes area following a contact with Costil (53’). Mr Malige decided not to award a penalty. It was then Gomis, played inside by Théophile-Catherine, who gained the ball in the penalty-area, but the Lyon striker missed his volley (72’).

This would be the final warning for Rennes. At the reception of a free-kick by Grenier, Lisandro Lopez, with the help of the post, beat Costil in two-times (1-1, 75’). The Olympique Lyonnais had recovered its confidence but it was instead the Stade Rennais who pushed in an explosive end of the game. Once again joined after opening the score, Rennes loses more points at home. Antonetti’s men have only won five of their last fifteen games in the league at the Route de Lorient, despite a good display and a remarkable fighting spirit this Sunday. A spirit they will have to use as an inspiration towards the end of the season.

Match Facts


Ligue 1, Game Week 30
Sunday, April 1st 2012, 21:00

Stade de la Route de Lorient
Attendance : 21 346 spectators

Referee : Philippe Malige

Goals : Erding (5’) for Rennes. Lopez (75’) for Lyon.

Yellow Cards : Apam (75’) for Rennes. Réveillère (88’) for Lyon.

Stade Rennais FC : Costil - Danzé (cap), Kana-Biyik, Apam, Théophile-Catherine - M’Vila, Tettey (Boye, 90+2’), Féret - Kembo (Boukari, 60’), Erding (Montaño, 67’), Pitroipa.

Manager: Frédéric Antonetti.

Olympique Lyonnais : Lloris - Réveillère, Lovren, Umtiti, Dabo - Fofana (Briand, 46’), Gonalons, Bastos (Pied, 83’), Källström (Grenier, 73’) - Lopez, Gomis.

Manager : Rémi Garde.

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