Scores Rennes en direct
9 November 2011 | à 09h46

Former Players: Tony Vairelles remains in custody

Former Players: Tony Vairelles remains in custody

Detained since two weeks at the remand centre of Metz, Tony Vairelles had his release request refused on Tuesday, according to the AFP.

Suspected – with his three brothers – to have trigerred a gunfight during the night of 22th to 23rd October, at the exit of a night club of Nancy (read previously), the former Rennais forward remains therefore in provisional detention.
According to his lawyer, Vairelles and his brothers «are now waiting for the opportunity to explain themselves in front of a magistrate and to be confronted with enquiry material ». They should have the occasion to do that on the next few days, with an expected summoning from the prosecuting attorney.