Scores Rennes en direct


Useful Informations about the Stade Rennais Football Club : Club details, address, logo, shirts, history and highlights, achievements, stadium, training complex, Academy…

General Information about the Club
Stade Rennais’ Honours


The Stadium
The Training Centre
The Academy


History of the Stade Rennais
History of Stade Rennais Stadiums

History of the Stade Rennais in the French League
A History of the Stade Rennais in the Coupe de France :
The Stade Rennais in the League Cup

The 1965 Coupe de France Victory
The 1971 Coupe de France victory
1999 : Rennes faces Juventus Turin
The 2003 Gambardella Cup victory
The 2008 Gambardella Cup Victory




Derniers articles de la rubrique

17 July 2002

Two Coupe de France victories, but the greatest success are yet to come....

17 July 1999

Since 1901, the Stade Rennais has known several grounds to finally settle down on the Route de Lorient, where the team plays since... 1912.