26 January 2012 | à 23h50

Dréossi : the transfer of Erding is “something big”

Dréossi : the transfer of Erding is “something big”

Although the transfer of Mevlüt Erding is “something big” for the Stade Rennais, as Pierre Dréossi recognised in the press conference, the general manager however assured that it was completed “without changing the club’s wage policy”. Implying that the player’s salary will be clearly under the 200,000 euros monthly the Turkish striker received in Paris

«It wasn’t easy to find an agreement, and I want to underline the efforts made by Paris Saint-Germain for the transfer of Erding to fit in Rennes’ wise recruitment policy », Dréossi added in front of the media. Although it is obvious that Stade Rennais consented to a financial effort to complete this transfer, the transfer fee payed by the Stade Rennais might be under the seven to eight million euros mentioned in the press. An amount the general manager denied having paid this Wednesday

As for the rest of the transfer window, Dréossi assured there would be no more arrivals until 31st January. Some departures could come to modify the squad however, but without any major changes. “If there are departures, it will be discussed and thought about carefully to not let the team’s level drop», he affirmed.

Sources : Reuters, staderennais.com