Reserves & Academy

All news on the Stade Rennais’ 2010-2011 Reserves League season, and on the Club’s Youth Teams. Results, Standings and Statistics, along with players profiles...


Reserve Squad

Derniers articles de la rubrique

31 March 2012
Axel Ngando, the elegance in its purest form

Gambardella Cup, Stade Rennais - Brest, Sunday, 15:00. At eighteen, Axel Ngando is splitting his time between the Reserve in CFA2 and the Gambardella Cup. A busy agenda for the French-Cameroonese youngster, who know hopes to break through with the Stade Rennais. And follow on the footsteps of his illustrious uncle.

1 March 2012
Jonathan Isambart, a one-of-a-kind player

A player of tiny stature, Jonathan Isambart is rich in qualities and lives for football. Too little and frail for some, too talented for the others, the young midfielder will certainly need to overcome some barriers before blossoming. Maybe in Rennes, maybe elsewhere, even outside France's borders.

7 February 2011
Reserve : Rennes still unable to win

Stade Rennais B 1 - 1 AS Moulins. Trailing for most of the game, the Rennes reserve had to settle for a draw, once again. Having failed to win since over four months, Laurent Huard’s team is swamped, desperately hoping for brighter days.

5 September 2010
Reserve : Goals, Goals and more Goals...

Reserve, Stade Rennais 5-3 Lorient. Three times defeated since the beginning of the season, the Stade Rennais Reserve won a pleasant victory against Lorient this Saturday, 5 goals to 3. With a hat-trick and an assist to his name, young striker Julienne was the clear attraction in this game.

23 August 2010
Reserves : A struggle and a Premiere

CFA, Stade Rennais 2-1 Viry-Châtillon. After two defeats in two games, the Stade Rennais Reserve had to react against Viry-Châtillon. Soon trailing despite their domination of the game, Laurent Huard’s men managed to turn things and ended up taking the edge over a tough opposition. Carrasso, Mandjeck, Souprayen and Tettey all started in this game.

9 August 2010
Reserve : Disappointing return to business

The young Rennais faced their first disillusion of the season, this afternoon at La Piverdière. The Stade Rennais reserve was indeed surprised on their pitch by Avranches (0-1). Difficult beginnings for Gaëtan Caro and Jonathan Isambart (photo), despite the presence of eight professionals in the squad.

1 January 2005

Transfered from Mantes-la-Jolie during the 2010 summer, this young defender from the Paris region is spotted by Stade Rennais when he played twice against Rennes' reserve team during the previous season. Physically powerful, this defender can also play as a midfielder.

1 January 2005
1 January 2005
9 July 2003

Recruited by the Stade Rennais in June 2003 as he played at midfield, Pierre Lemonnier progressively evolved into a defender during his training. Whether it is in centre defence (his favourite position) or on the right flank of the Rennes defence, he convinced his coaches by his perseverance and hard work, even though he wasn’t originally a member of the club’s Academy. Lemonnier was awarded an intern contract in June 2011, with the ambition to make his mark in the Reserve, in CFA2.