22 January 2004 | à 23h17

Marcel Aubour

Marcel Aubour is one of the best goalkeepers in France’s football history. After becoming professional in Lyon at the beginning of the 1960’s, he played his first matches in Division 1 there in 1962, before being called with the French national team in 1964. With « les Bleus », he played in the 1966 World Cup, under the management of former Rennais Henri Guérin. During this year 1966, he left Lyon – where he won his first title, the 1964 French Cup – for Nice, returning to his region of birth, the Côte d’Azur. During the winter 1969-1970, Aubour the Provençal with his singing accent, arrived in Brittany. While Nice was trying to get rid of him, the « Red and Black » defence was put to the sword in the league, and Gérard Le Fillâtre, the current goalkeeper, conceding goal after goal. In exchange of Aubour’s transfer and a nice little sum, Le Fillâtre was loaned to Nice. The deal would not be regretted by Stade Rennes. Aubour immediately stabilized the Breton defence and was quickly adopted by the public. The next season, he triumphed in the second Coupe de France victory for Rennes. During the semi-final, he made the difference against Marseille, sickening the opposite players during the penalties shoot-out session. In final, Aubour had less work to do, but he couldn’t help making the public laugh, playing petanque with artichokes thrown on the ground. The Provençal finally left Brittany in 1972, but he had found a second home there. He signed with Reims, where he ended his professional career, at the age of 37. He then came back to Saint-Tropez, where he took over his father’s hotel and where he still lives, enjoying his retreat.

Marcel Aubour

Name : Marcel

Surname : Aubour

Nationality : French

Date of birth : 17/06/1940

Place of birth : Saint-Tropez (Var)

Height : 1,81 m

Weight : 80 kg

Position : Goalkeeper

International : France (20 caps)

Career :

Professional :
Olympique Lyonnais (1960-1966)
OGC Nice (1966 - January 1970)
Stade Rennes UC (January 1970 - 1972)
Stade de Reims (1972-1977)

Honours :
French Cup winner with Lyon (1964) and Rennes (1971)
1971 Champions Challenge winner with Rennes

Statistics :

First match with Rennes : Rennes - Brest (5-1), 8th January 1970

1969-1970 season:

Competition Matches Goals ag.
Division 1 15 23
Coupe de France 8 9
Total 23 32

1970-1971 season:

Competition Matches Goals ag.
Division 1 37 52
Coupe de France 9 6
Total 46 58

1971-1972 season:

Competition Matches Goals ag.
Division 1 34 45
Coupe de France 3 4
European Cup 2 2
Champions Challenge 1 2
Total 40 53

Total :

Competition Matches Goals ag.
Division 1 86 120
Coupe de France 20 19
European Cup 2 2
Champions Challenge 1 2
Total 109 143

Photo : srfc.frenchwill.fr

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