17 July 2002 | à 00h30


Just crowned an U20 World Champion with Brazil, a team he was captaining, Adailton arrived in Rennes in summer 2004. Gifted with a great sense of anticipation, a good tackler and very strong in the air, Adailton had everything to succeed in Brittany. A regular starter during his first Rennes season, he was the main victim of John Mensah’s arrival and Grégory Bourillon’s emergence in central defence. Left with the Reserves, his misfortune worsened when he was victim of a serious knee injury, in April 2006. This was the final blow to his Rennes professional career, and removed him completely off Pierre Dreossi’s tactics. After the injury was healed, he only ever played 4 games with the Reserve, before leaving Rennes back to Brasil, where he signed for Santos FC, the legendary club where Pelé played for 18 years of his career.

Surname : Dos Santos Filho “Adailton”

Name : José

Nickname : Adi

Nationality : Brazilian

Date of Birth : 16/04/1984

Place of Birth : Salvador de Bahia (Brasil)

Height : 1,89 m

Weight : 83 kg

Position: Defender

Number : 4

International : Brasil (U21)

Career :

Amateur :
Vitória de Bahia (Brazil)

Professional :
Vitória de Bahia (Brésil, 2003-2004)
Stade Rennais FC (2004 - December2006)
Santos FC (Brésil, since January 2007)

Honours :
2003 U20 World Cup winner with Brazil

Statistics :

First Ligue 1 game (and first with Rennes) : Rennes - Paris SG (2-1), August 7th, 2004

2004-2005 Season :

Competition Played Started Goals Yellow Red Minutes
Ligue 1 24 22 0 4 0 1879
Coupe de France 3 3 0 0 0 330
Coupe de la Ligue 1 1 0 0 0 120
Total 28 26 0 4 0 2329

2005-2006 Season :

Competition Played Started Goals Yellow Red Minutes
Ligue 1 19 17 0 5 0 1529
Coupe de France 2 2 0 0 0 180
Coupe de la Ligue 0 0 0 0 0 0
European Cup 6 5 0 2 0 477
Total 27 24 0 7 0 2186

2006-2007 Season :
No Game played with the professional team
Reserve : 4 games, 360 minutes, 0 goal.

Total :

Competition Played Started Goals Yellow Red Minutes
Ligue 1 43 39 0 9 0 3408
Coupe de France 5 5 0 0 0 510
Coupe de la Ligue 1 1 0 0 0 120
European Cup 6 5 0 2 0 477
Total 55 50 0 11 0 4515

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