12 September 2003 | à 23h43

Frédéric Adam

Born in Lorient but trained in Brest, Frédéric Adam had a ringside seat when the the courts ordered for the club from Finistère’s assets to be liquidated in December 1991. However this event offered him the opportunity to start with the first team in division three. Recruited as a professional trainee by Stade Rennes in 1993, Adam would take part in five games during the season 1993-1994, taking part in the promotion to Division One. Free agent in 1995, he joined Chateauroux where he contributed to the promotion of the club in first division in 1997. The end of his carrier is mainly linked to Troyes where he would become a key player of the first team both in first and second division. After two final years playing for Gueugnon, he retired in 2008 and became an advisor for ES Troyes AC’s president._

Frédéric Adam

Surname : Adam

Name : Frédéric

Nationality : French

Date of Birth : 11/08/1973

Place of Birth : Lorient (Morbihan)

Height : 1,80 m

Weight : 70 kg

Position : Midfielder

Career :

Amateur :
Stade brestois
Stade rennais FC (1993-1995)

Professional :
La Berrichonne de Châteauroux (June 1995 - July 1998)
ES Troyes AC (July 1998 - June 2006)
FC Gueugnon (June 2006 - June 2008)

Honours :
1997 Division 2 France Champion with Châteauroux
2001 Intertoto Cup winner with Troyes

Statistics :

First match with Rennes : Rennes - Beauvais (5-3, Division 2), 6th October 1993 (replacing Laurent Huard)
First match in Division 1 (with Châteauroux) : Monaco - Châteauroux (2-2), 8th August 1997

1993-1994 Season :

Competition Played Goals
Division 2 5 0
Coupe de France 0 0
Total 5 0

1994-1995 Season :
No official match played with the first team.

Photo: estac.fr

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