29 July 2003 | à 18h52

Houssaine Anafal

A Moroccan International, Houssaine Anafal arrived at Stade rennais in 1974. In attack, he played alongside players such as Laurent Pokou or Philippe Redon, but his first season in Brittany ended with a relegation to D2, and only three goals scored. Moving back to the midfield in 1975-1976, he realised a much better season, and contributed widely to the immediate return to the top flight. But Anafal suffers from homesickness, and wants to return to Morocco. In October, 1976, his contract was cancelled and the player returned to the KAC Kénitra, his former club. A year and a half later, he eventually returned to Stade rennais, and realised an excellent 1979-1980 season, scoring no less than twelve goals. Unfortunately, the club failed to clinch promotion in the end of season in play-off, and Anafal would not play for the club any more despite the major role he had on that season. Indeed, his career with Rennes was shattered by a bad meniscus injury. In 1982, he returned to KAC Kénitra for the second time, but he would return to Brittany once again. Today, he is one of the educators at the Stade rennais football school.

Houssaine Anafal

Surname: Anafal

Name: Houssaine

Nationality: Moroccan

Date of Birth : 15/09/1952

Place of Birth : Kénitra (Morocco)

Position : Midfielder

International : Morocco

Career :

Professional :
KAC Kénitra (Morocco)
Stade rennais FC (June 1974 - October 1976)
KAC Kénitra (Morocco, October 1976 - June 1979)
Stade rennais (June 1979 - June 1982)
KAC Kénitra (Morocco)

Honours : n/a

Statistics :

First match in Division 1 with Rennes : Rennes - Nîmes (2-1), 18th October 1974

1974-1975 Season:

Competition Matches Goals
Division 1 22 3
French Cup 3 0
Total 25 3

1975-1976 Season:

Competition Matches Goals
Division 2 33 7
French Cup 3 0
Total 36 7

1976-1977 Season:

Competition Matches Goals
Division 1 11 0
French Cup 0 0
Total 11 0

1979-1980 Season:

Competition Matches Goals
Division 2 33 9
French Cup 6 3
Total 39 12

1980-1981 Season:

Competition Matches Goals
Division 2 13 1
French Cup 0 0
Total 13 1

1981-1982 Season:
No official match played with the first team.

Total :

Competition Matches Goals
Division 1 33 3
Division 2 79 17
French Cup 12 3
Total 124 23

Goals for Stade rennais :

- 1 - 18/10/74, Rennes - Nîmes (2-1), GW12 Division 1 (83’ ; 2-1)
- 2 - 09/11/74, Rennes - Strasbourg (5-1), GW16 Division 1 (39’ ; 1-0)
- 3 - 15/12/74, Angers - Rennes (1-2), GW21 Division 1 ( 8’ ; 0-1)
- 4 - 18/10/75, Caen - Rennes (2-2), GW9 Division 2
- 5 - 22/11/75, Rennes - Malakoff (2-0), GW14 Division 2
- 6 - 13/03/76, Rennes - Paris FC (3-2), GW23 Division 2
- 7 - 26/03/76, Rennes - Caen (1-2), GW25 Division 2
- 8 - 24/04/76, Rennes - Dunkerque (3-0), GW29 Division 2
- 9 - 29/05/76, Rennes - Boulogne-sur-Mer (3-0), GW34 Division 2
- 10 - 29/05/76, Rennes - Boulogne-sur-Mer (3-0), GW34 Division 2
- 11 - 18/08/79, Rennes - Chaumont (2-0), GW2 Division 2
- 12 - 24/08/79, Angoulême - Rennes (0-1), GW3 Division 2
- 13 - 08/09/79, Rennes - Quimper (6-0), GW5 Division 2
- 14 - 22/09/79, Rennes - Besançon (3-1), GW7 Division 2
- 15 - 20/10/79, Rennes - Le Havre (4-3), GW11 Division 2
- 16 - 31/10/79, Rennes - Nœux-les-Mines (2-0), GW13 Division 2
- 17 - 08/12/79, Rennes - Angoulême (3-1), GW19 Division 2
- 18 - 16/12/79, Fougères - Rennes (0-5), GW6 Coupe de France
- 19 - 10/02/80, Rennes - Laval (2-0), 32nd Coupe de France
- 20 - 01/03/80, Rennes - Châteauroux (3-1), GW26 Division 2
- 21 - 29/03/80, Rennes - Dunkerque (4-3), GW28 Division 2
- 22 - 11/04/80, Rennes - Paris FC (2-0), 8th Coupe de France
- 23 - 22/11/80, Montmorillon - Rennes (2-3), GW16 Division 2

Summary :
- 17 goals scored at home, 5 away, 1 on neutral ground
- 1 double

Photo : srfc.frenchwill.fr

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