21 July 2002 | à 20h35

Jimmy Nirlo

As a physical defensive midfielder, Jimmy Nirlo signed his first professional contract with Stade Rennais. Arrived in July 2006 from his native Franche-Comte, Nirlo has progressively and seriously improved his skills with the reserve team. After winning the French championship of reserve teams with Rennes in May 2007, he signed a professional contract in 2008. After 6 months and no appearances with the first team, he is released by Stade Rennais and signed up with a Greek second-division club.

Surname : Nirlo

Name : Jimmy

Nationality : French

Birth date : 23/08/1988

Birth place : Oyonnax (Ain)

Height : 1.83 m

Weight : 75 Kg

Position : Defensive midfielder

International : None

Career :

Amateur :
Bourg-Péronnas (2001-2004)
ASOA Valence (2004-2005)
Jura Sud (2005-2006)
Stade Rennais FC (July 2006 - June 2008)

Professional :
Stade Rennais FC (June 2008 - January 2009)
Veria FC (Greece, January - June 2009)
Pacy VEF (since July 2009)

2007 French championship of reserve teams Champion

Statistis :

No appearances with the first team.

Season 2006-2007 (amateur) :

Competition Played Started Goals Minutes
CFA 23 16 0 1383
Gambardella 3 3 0 225

Season 2007-2008 (amateur) :

Competition Games Started Goals Minutes
CFA 31 27 0 2287

Season 2008-2009 :
No appearances with the first team.

Competition Games Started Goals Minutes
CFA 12 11 0 1016

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