11 May 2010 | à 18h31

Antonetti : « A very instructive season »

Frédéric Antonetti was interviewed on RMC this Tuesday. The Stade Rennais’s manager gave his reaction to the French 30-names list for the World Cup, with three Rennes players, and looked back at the “Rouge et Noir’s” season end”. Verbatim

Antonetti : « A very instructive season »

Yann M’Vila : « He owes it to himself. He’s got the profile of a world class defensive midfielder. He has to keep on working. I think he could have career like Didier Deschamps’ in front of him. »

Rod Fanni : « Rod Fanni is a very, very good player. He can do achieve great things. Because of our average season, he hasn’t really been put in the spotlight. He has another few great years in front of him. His future is certainly as a central defender, that’s where he seems to affirm himself completely. I think he could be the number one. »
« He can help as a central defender, that’s a great advantage »
« He has got the potential to be the undisputed incumbent starter as a right back in the French national team. He has all the qualities for the highest level: He is skilled, he is quick, he is strong.. »

Sylvain Marveaux : « Sylvain could have been there. I believe he was penalised by the fact we did not manage to end the season in the top 5. There could have been 2 or 3 more Rennes players in this list. I think of Douchez, I think of Marveaux. Marveaux has got the qualities needed for the highest level of football. On his position, he is a world class player. »

Jimmy Briand : « Jimmy has put on a lot of effort to come back. He is a very generous person. In a squad, he brings an incredible dynamic. I always dreamt of coaching him, and I loved coaching him. He is an outstanding bloke.  »

His coaching year : « This was a very instructive year for me. I learnt a lot, I have many regrets over the season, as I think we could have done a bit better. We lacked regularity. For me, as a coach, it was a very beneficial year. I am in a great club, very well organised, and I hope our work of this season will pay off next year. »

The Rennes supporters: « It’s up to us, the management, to find ways to ignite the stadium’s atmosphere. They are different supporters. »

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