2009-2010 season

Derniers articles de la rubrique

3 July 2010

Ghana and the whole of Africa went into massive disillusion last night, when Asamoah Gyan’s national team was knocked out by Uruguay in touching distance of the semi-finals, at the end of a breathtaking encounter (1-1, 4-2 pen.). During this game, the Rennes striker missed the chance to become the hero of a whole continent.

25 June 2010

Reaching the end of his contract with Rennes, Mickaël Pagis has been called up to the French national beach-soccer team for an international tournament played next week-end in Marseille. He joined Eric Cantona’s squad for the summer, before possibly becoming a full time member of the team.

24 June 2010

This Thursday, Romain Danzé signed a one year extension to his running contract with the Stade Rennais. He is now contracted to Rennes until June 2013. A clear mark of confidence from the team, towards the man expected to replace Rod Fanni as the first choice right back in the next few weeks.

20 May 2010
In Rennes, the first recruits are coming

Loaned in Ligue 2, Brahimi, Souprayen, Oniangue and co. are coming back to Rennes this summer. Frédéric Antonetti is relying on them to impose themselves next season.

11 May 2010
Antonetti : « A very instructive season »

Frédéric Antonetti was interviewed on RMC this Tuesday. The Stade Rennais’s manager gave his reaction to the French 30-names list for the World Cup, with three Rennes players, and looked back at the “Rouge et Noir’s” season end”. Verbatim

7 May 2010
Le Lay : “Rennes? It's MY Club”

Patrick Le Lay has been officialy appointed as the Stade Rennais’ new director, on Friday, after Frederic Saint-Sernin stepped down for medical reasons. Former CEO of TF1, Le Lay arrives in Rennes to target “excellence”

5 May 2010
Pierre Dréossi: « Afford our ambitions »

On a radio interview with RMC, Pierre Dréossi, general manager of the Stade Rennais took a look back on the season, explained the changes on the company’s organisation’s chart, and gave a few updates regarding the transfers and the future of the club.