24 June 2010 | à 14h32

Contracts : Danzé signs extension until June 2013

This Thursday, Romain Danzé signed a one year extension to his running contract with the Stade Rennais. He is now contracted to Rennes until June 2013. A clear mark of confidence from the team, towards the man expected to replace Rod Fanni as the first choice right back in the next few weeks.

While working on the recruitment, the Rennes management is working hard behind the scenes, to extend contracts of several members of Frédéric Antonetti’s squad in view of next season.

Scouted by Nice and Sochaux, Romain Danzé was first to extend his contract with the “Rouge et Noir”. Indeed, the right full back is now contracted with Rennes until June 2013.

Trained at the Club, the man from Douarnenez arrived at the Academy in 2001, arriving from the Ploufragan pre-academy. Five years later, he was offered a first Ligue 1 appearance against the Olympique Lyonnais (1-0), replacing Olivier Sorlin.

Since his professional debut, all his coaches were convinced by his full commitment, his footballing qualities, but also with his versatility. Danzé can play at both left and right full back positions, but also at most positions on midfield.

Mark of Confidence

Bored with his situation as a first choice substitute, he finally decided to put pressure on his management at the end of the 2009-2010 season, asking guarantees to remain with Rennes.

"If Rod Fanni leaves, I’m waiting to see what they[i.e.: Rennes’ Management] are planning to do: hire someone from outside or trust me. It is not time to wonder whether I have a future in the club anymore, it is time to say things clearly and announce our ambitions. The Club could explain they are not relying on me, I can also state that I would like to have a more important role in the squad., as he explained in the local newspaper Rennes Football.

Only a few weeks later, Pierre Dréossi had calmed the situation by explaining the man from Finistère would receive his chance to cement a first team place after the unavoidable departure of Rod Fanni during this summer transfer window.

This is indeed a real mark of confidence from the management towards the 4-time U21 international. Now, Danzé has all cards in hand to make his place as a regulat within the Rennes starting line-up.

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