20 May 2010 | à 12h31

In Rennes, the first recruits are coming

Loaned in Ligue 2, Brahimi, Souprayen, Oniangue and co. are coming back to Rennes this summer. Frédéric Antonetti is relying on them to impose themselves next season.

In Rennes, the first recruits are coming

Petter Hansson is off to Monaco, Rod Fanni and Jimmy Briand are ready to leave, Mickaël Pagis is retiring… What will the 2010-2011 squad look like? Frédéric Antonetti expects three “quality” signings to mentor the younger players. His first recruits? The players returning from their season long loan in Ligue 2 . « I count very much on our loaned players. Yacine Brahimi and Samuel Souprayen will be back this summer. I’m waiting to see Prince Oniangue and Abdoul Camara too», explains Frédéric Antonetti, Rennes’manager.

Souprayen in the starting blocks

« Did he say that ? » On the phone, Samuel Souprayen sounds ecstatic. Just as the other loaned players, he did not have much contact with the club during the season. However, Samuel Souprayen’s evolution with Dijon was closely watched by the Stade Rennais. Stronger, more athletic, the former captain in the Gambardella Cup winning team played 31 games over the season. «Pierre Dréossi told me to go and get games in Ligue 2. To me, it was a leap into the unknown. I quickly managed to prove my skills on the training field, and I remained in the starting squad for the rest of the season», he explains. « I can play centre or left back, my versatility will certainly serve me », continues the 21 years old Reunion island man, convinced he can get make himself a place in Rennes’ professional squad. Especially in the wake of his “mate” Yann M’vila’s season in Rennes: «If you show Frederic Antonetti you are the best at your position, he can give you a place in the starting eleven»

Brahimi wants to play

Yacine Brahimi, already said to be targetted by Arsenal and the Real Madrid, also plans to win his place in Rennes. Loaned to Clermont, the midfielder played 32 games and scored eight goals. Earlier this year, he was proposed to play the 2010 World Cup with the Algerian national team. «I had to ignore their interest, I don’t want to jump the gun. My selections with the French youth national teams went always very well… », justifies the twenty years old young man. As soon as the 24th June and the return to training, Yacine Brahimi will be in competition with Jerôme Leroy for the playmaker’s position.

Oniangue, Camara, and the others…

Competition ? It doesn’t scare Prince Oniangue anymore, after a full season in Angers. The defensive midfielder left for this very reason last summer: « There were six or seven of us, for only two places in the squad. I asked to be loaned. Now I’m back, I played a lot, improved a lot, gathered experience… » The player now feels confident he can impose himself in Rennes : « Things happen very quickly in football. Look at Fabien Lemoine. One day, he was playing with the Reserves, the next day he was starting games in Ligue 1. He’s never lost his place since then. »

More young players are expected to make their place in the squad: Abdoul Camara (loaned to Vannes) and Maxime Le Marchand (loaned to Le Havre). On the other hand, Yohann Lasimant and Julian Esteban are rather unlikely to remain with the club. Regarding the latter, the coach replies rather harshly: «You have to tell it like it is and be serious. Julian Esteban… no. »

Benjamin Keltz - Le Mensuel de Rennes

Photos : www.lemensuel.com

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