6 February 2012 | à 22h43

Nineteen players to reach the quarter-finals

Coupe de France, Stade Rennais - Évian, Tuesday 18:00 CET. In order to try and reach the quarter-finals of the Coupe de France, Frédéric Antonetti called a group similar to the nineteen men who made the trip to Nancy last Saturday, to one exception: Yassine Jebbour is replaced by Dimitri Foulquier.

Nineteen players to reach the quarter-finals

Frédéric Antonetti called a squad of nineteen players to host Évian Thonon-Gaillard, this Tuesday, as part of the last 16 of the Coupe de France. Nearly the same squad that went to draw in Nancy (0-0) this week-end, with only one change: Jebbour is replaced by Foulquier.
The Stade Rennais manager will once again have to do without Boye and Diarra, qualified for the semi-finals of the African Cup of Nations, as well as without Boukari and Hadji, still injured.

For Évian, Pablo Correa has also decided to stick with the squad of twenty players beaten in Paris (3-1) this week-end. The club from Savoie is also without two players because of the AfCON, Khelifa and Mensah, while goalkeeper Bertrand Laquait is still injured following a clash with Montaño, last November at the Stade de la Route de Lorient.
Finally, former Rennais Jérôme Leroy will not make the trip to Brittany: the midfielder has been removed from the squad by his manager.

Stade Rennais FC

Goalkeepers : Costil, Diallo
Defenders : Apam, Danzé, Foulquier, Kana-Biyik, Mangane, Mavinga, Théophile-Catherine
Midfielders : Doumbia, Féret, M’Vila, Pajot, Tettey
Forwards : Brahimi, Erding, Kembo, Montaño, Pitroipa

  • Injured : Boukari (hamstring), Hadji (pulled muscle)
  • Suspended : n/a
  • International : Boye, Diarra
  • Manager’s decision : N’Diaye, Jebbour, Kandji, Dalmat, Doucouré, Issah, Rouger, Sané

Évian TG FC

Goalkeepers : Andersen, Westberg
Defenders : Angoula, Cambon, Dja Djédjé, Mongongu, Rippert, Ehret, Wass
Midfielders : Barbosa, Farina, Kahlenberg, Poulsen, Rabiu, Sorlin, Tié Bi
Forwards : Sagbo, Govou, M’Madi, Bérigaud

  • Injured : Laquait (shin)
  • Suspended : n/a
  • International : Khelifa, Mensah
  • Manager’s decision : Durand, Cilinsek, Leroy, Lacour, Adnane, Bugnet

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