5 May 2010 | à 12h32

Pierre Dréossi: « Afford our ambitions »

On a radio interview with RMC, Pierre Dréossi, general manager of the Stade Rennais took a look back on the season, explained the changes on the company’s organisation’s chart, and gave a few updates regarding the transfers and the future of the club.

Pierre Dréossi: « Afford our ambitions »

Antonetti will stay

- According to Dréossi, Frederic Antonetti’s presence as head coach of the Stade Rennais next year is “ not in doubt ”. Arrived in Rennes to establish a playing style and build on the work from his predecessors, the corsican coach gets full confidence from his hierarchy in the late stages of the 2009-2010 season.

Patrick Le Lay’s appointement

"We will meet soon with the new president (i.e.: Patrick Le Lay), even if I have met him twice already. He is ambitious, he wants to achieve something here, and he has fully understood the way the club is organised. As the previous presidents, he will be based in Paris. I have the executive role at the club, and he understood this very well. I think we will work each at our place and give ourselves the means, which I hope will be bigger, to finish next season in the Top 5. In terms of management and corporate experience, his competence his great. The way things are organised is very important to me. Lately, I met with M. Pinault and he was very clear on this particular point.”

Frédéric de Saint-Sernin’s departure

"He was sad to quit the football. He really managed to quickly blend with the club. It’s a real shame as humanly, he was a great person to work along. He brought us networks, and a very interesting way of working".

The future transfer budget

"We will meet with M. Pinault to define our budget and build the best possible team for next year. Over the next fifteen days, I will make two financial propositions. We will work on this. I will meet M. Pinault at the end of the championship to discuss the season”.

Players allowed to leave

"If we get decent offers, Briand & Fanni can leave. This is it. There won’t be a massive exodus of players, and we are not interested in more players leaving”.

No 5 millions clause for Briand

- On February 5th, 2010, the magazine France Football revealed that Jimmy Briand’s new contract included a 5 million euros minimum release fee. This information was denied by Pierre Dréossi: "No, there is no 5 millions euro clause, but there is an agreement (…) By all means, he won’t leave for that sort of fee".

"Fanni’s departure"

- Pierre Dréossi has no intention to sell the French international right full back on the cheap. Rod Fanni is currently targeted by several clubs throughout Europe. "Fanni ? There is no agreement such as the one we have with Briand, but if a good offer arrives…”

Loïc Perrin’s (Saint-Etienne) possible arrival?

"He is a good player, and we are interested in him as we are in many other players”, explains Dreossi, leaving a clear doubt on the possible recruitment of a midfielder during the summer break.

Confidence in Danzé and Théophile-Catherine

"If Fanni leaves, we have two very good players in the squad, Romain Danzé and Kévin Théophile-Catherine , who can play as right full backs. Therefore, we won’t look for a replacement on this position”. A few weeks ago, Danzé had put pressure on his management, opening the door to a possible transfer if he wasn’t given a chance at Fanni’s departure.

The future

"We will go on by building a performant team. There will be changes. We will try to finish the season on a good note, and prepare the next to build a better team and end up next season on the sort of position we aim to achieve, fourth or fifth. We are ambitious, everyone is in the club, but we need to have the means of our ambition. One of the main responsibilities of a president is to find them. Our results are good: We have the seventh or eighth budget in France. Over the last five seasons, we are the fifth club in the country. However, if we want to reach another step, we will have to get additional means to go further. You can see it today, teams that stick to the first positions have got more funds. Maybe this is the way we have to concentrate on to manage it, as we seem to struggle to reach our goals. When we look at the means Bordeaux, Lyon, Marseille or Paris have, or even Monaco with their advantages, we are not doing that badly with our rigor, our academy and our consistency”.

The Stade Rennais is financially secure

"The difference with other clubs, is that we can have a loss without being in trouble. We have a strong and motivated shareholder. This is not the situation for every club. We will look through our accounts at the end of June. With one or two players sold within the next few weeks, we will reach balanced accounts, or maybe a slight deficit. But this is not a worry to the Stade Rennais. ".

The Stade Rennais Supporters

- After his team’s defeat to Sochaux (1-2, 36th Gameweek), Frédéric Antonetti criticised the lack of support from Rennes’ supporters. An opinion shared with Pierre Dréossi: "I discussed it with him. Fred has to be the way he wants to be. I hired Antonetti knowing his character and personality. Somehow, he is right. The fans can start booing their team after only thirty minutes. You can’t judge the team only on results. The form must be taken into account too.”

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